It has been a couple years since my last post. We have spent a lot of time working on our youtube channel and getting the kids ready for some expeditions. We have a sister blog over at where we are starting to post some things related to our adventures. You can also check out our channel on YouTube by clicking here.
I was in a pretty bad car accident and that completely through off my exercise and diet mojo. People were bringing me all kinds of comfort food and it hit the spot. I gained about 15lbs while I was laid up and it took me a while to break the habit. But the past few months I have been back on track. So now once again we eat pretty low carb and mostly paleo. I would say once or twice a week I'll eat more carbs and it's usually on the weekend. We don't really go out of our way to avoid gluten anymore since it really doesn't seem to impact any of us other than the carb load. We also try and keep things as clean as possible so fresh and grass fed is a priority.
Anyway thought I would drop a post to let anyone who might be listening know that I may post over here every now and then but should be really active.
The Brady Nutrition Blog
On July 2013 my wife and I began to transition our family to a Paleo lifestyle. We have done many things over the years to improve our health and fitness and while we have made some progress nothing compares to the results we have had with Paleo. We are so passionate about this lifestyle that we have decided to chronicle our journey here. Our goal is to spread the word to our friends, family, and anyone we can on how wonderful and healthy your life can become by adopting a Paleo lifestyle.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Endurance Energy Drinks for a Tenth of the Cost!
There are a number of you out there that occasionally ask me to mix you up or for the recipe for my homemade endurance energy drink. I decided to do a quick YouTube video showing how it's done. This is not a true Paleo recipe but it's a great way to stay hydrated and keep your energy up. So here's the video and recipe.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Hey everybody,

Friday, June 13, 2014
What Raw Vegans Can Teach Us About Paleo: 12 Lessons For Supercharged Living.
Hey all,
I listen to dozens of podcasts and read dozens of blogs. One of those that I regularly check out is Ben Greenfield's blog and podcast. Ben has a way of striking that delicate balance between the concerns of his paleo and vegan followers. Some time ago I wrote a post about paleo vs vegan and I was really trying to hit the point that our differences are really fairly minor and our goals are much the same. Until the day we can look at our world and see a happy healthy planet of nutritionally educated healthy people we need to work together in supporting the primary cause of natural whole food living.
The following is a great article from Ben Greenfield Fitness on "What Raw Vegans Can Teach Us About Paleo: 12 Lessons For Supercharged Living." I also recommend checking out his podcast, especially if you are looking toward endurance athletics and triathlons.
Read more:
Thanks for stopping by,
I listen to dozens of podcasts and read dozens of blogs. One of those that I regularly check out is Ben Greenfield's blog and podcast. Ben has a way of striking that delicate balance between the concerns of his paleo and vegan followers. Some time ago I wrote a post about paleo vs vegan and I was really trying to hit the point that our differences are really fairly minor and our goals are much the same. Until the day we can look at our world and see a happy healthy planet of nutritionally educated healthy people we need to work together in supporting the primary cause of natural whole food living.
The following is a great article from Ben Greenfield Fitness on "What Raw Vegans Can Teach Us About Paleo: 12 Lessons For Supercharged Living." I also recommend checking out his podcast, especially if you are looking toward endurance athletics and triathlons.
Read more:
Thanks for stopping by,
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Can the fatty coffee really hold me to lunch?
Hey everybody,
I clearly have not had much time to jump on here during the last month or so. I am working on a few posts but life, a couple races, and a host of other things have stood in the way of getting things out the door. I still respond to questions that I get directly. I figured while I am working to get back on the wagon I would at least drop a post here and there of some of the questions that I get. So here is a first.
Question from a friend out in Tennessee:
I can't find your coffee butter, coconut blog. I might try dumping the avocado in the morning. I put a scoop of coconut oil and grass fed butter in the coffee mug this morning wondering if that will hold me until lunch. Looks like you need the heavy cream to get the fat into suspension...what kind though?
I am not so sure the heavy cream gets things into suspension, maybe with very thorough blending but I just stir it with a spoon but if it sits the fat all floats and separates.
Coconut oil is the number one ingredient in the coffee due to the MCTs that are very healthy and are a great energy source especially when in ketosis.
Cream and Butter are next and share the number two spot since cream is really mostly butter
The key to the cream and butter is that they are from pastured cows. Pastured animals have naturally occurring omega-3s (EPA and DHA) from the grass and other green stuff they eat. Kerrygold is the only widely distributed pastured butter that I know of and you can find it at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. However, you may have some local farms that provide pastured cream and butter to local stores and markets. Grass-fed cream may be harder to find and may only find it at Whole Foods. I generally buy a half-gallon of grass fed cream and make butter from a little less than half ot it and it works out great and is a little cheaper. Check out this post on that.
If you can't find a clearly marked grass-fed cream I would just opt for the highest quality cream you can find in your local stores. Many of the organic creams imply they are at least partially pastured and probably have decent fat ratios.
As for getting you through until lunch. This will largely be up to how dependent you are on carbs. If you are in ketosis and have already done a little intermittent fasting then one phatty coffee (1 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and a shot or two of cream) should be fine. If you are not in ketosis and still a little carb dependant then it might be rough for a day or two. You might want to keep the avocado in the mix and go to a half and then a quarter and dial it back slowly. Good luck and keep me posted on how things are going!
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